Smith Bigman Brock | Commitment To Excellence

Accomplished. Established. Respected.

Smith, Stout, Bigman & Brock, P.A. Named Top Contributor In Seventh Circuit For 2014 By Attorneys’ Title Fund Services, LLC

Daytona Beach (May, 2015) – Attorneys’ Title Fund Services, LLC (The Fund) announced Smith, Stout, Bigman, & Brock, P.A. has been named a Top Contributor of the Seventh Judicial Circuit in the State of Florida.

With The Fund’s Circuit Award Smith, Stout, Bigman, & Brock, P.A., is being recognized as one of the top performers in their judicial circuit, taking into consideration the local market. Only 3% of Fund Members in this circuit received this statewide distinction which demonstrates the commitment they have shown to their clients and to The Fund.

“With The Fund Top Contributor Circuit award, Smith, Stout, Bigman, & Brock, P.A., ranks among a very prestigious group of legal professionals within the real estate industry”, said Jimmy R. Jones, President and CEO of Attorneys’ Title Fund Services, LLC.

Circuit Top Contributor Members are determined by the level of business they have conducted with The Fund the prior year.

The Fund 2014 | Circuit Top Contributors

About The Fund:
Attorneys’ Title Fund Service, LLC (The Fund) supports and promotes the success of Attorneys’ real estate practices by providing expert underwriting counsel, the best legal education, valuable title information and innovative products and services in keeping with The Fund’s mission to preserve and facilitate the real estate practices of its Members in their protection of the public. Always Driven is a commitment The Fund has to create innovative products and services that allow attorneys to conduct transactions easily and efficiently. For more information, visit